Does my child need a PT Evaluation?
Does your baby feel tense and tight in their body in a way that makes changing and dressing difficult?
Does your child have any head tilt or “c” shaped body positioning that is consistent to the same side?
Are you having any concerns with your baby not being able to lift their head on when on the tummy? Do they get tired quickly on their tummy? Crying when on their belly?
Any flat spot forming on the back of the head? Especially if baby also has a hard time with being on their tummy or movement in general
Is baby not yet rolling over to both sides(Right or Left) to go on tummy or back and is more than 6 months old?
Is your baby not yet able to sit independently by 8 months?
Not crawling on hands/knees by 10 months or not wanting to push into the hands at all by 5 months?
Not walking independently by 16 months?
Do you have concerns for toe walking?
Does your child struggle with motor planning (how to get around obstacles, climb different steps or ladders, crawl through playground equipment)?
Is your baby falling and tripping often even though they have been walking independently for 3 months or more?
Not jumping by 2 ½ years old?
Does your baby have patterns of movement that are asymmetrical? Such as crawling with one knee down and one foot out, or using the stairs only leading with the same foot?
These can all be signs of something hindering or making gross motor development difficult. It is always best to be proactive and seek assistance before baby begins to show a bigger delay in movement or starts moving with a stronger compensation pattern. If you have any concerns you can send me an email at and together we can decide if a PT evaluation is needed.